WAIVER SERVICES – Residential Habilitation Services include:
- In-Home Family Support Services
- Independent living skills training
- Semi-independent living skills
- Supported Living Services
Our residential habilitation services and support programs are geared towards helping people with disabilities live at home and integrate in the community. Our support team ensures that persons with developmental disabilities cope with life at home and in the community. All support programs and services are carefully designed to increase and maintain the person’s physical, intellectual, emotional and social functioning to help them live an independent and productive life of their own. These services include the following:
This service provides a qualified direct care staff (Advocate) that teaches new skills and designed to increase the family’s ability to care for and support the person in the family home as well as in the community. We also accept referrals for private pay.
Supported Living Services (SLS): The purpose of this service is to teach specific skills to a person who requires daily intervention. Daily intervention means providing ongoing supervision, training or assistance to help the person reach his/her individual goals in the following areas: self-care, sensory/motor development, interpersonal skills, communication, reduction and/or elimination of challenging behaviors, community living, mobility, health care, leisure and recreation, money management and household chores.
For additional and more detailed information about these services, please click on the links below:
- http://www.co.hennepin.mn.us/portal/site/HennepinUS/menuitem.b1ab75471750e40fa01dfb47ccf06498/?vgnextoid=8bcc760937d74210VgnVCM10000049114689RCRD
- http://licensinglookup.dhs.state.mn.us/
In addition to our Waiver Residential Habilitation services, we do provide the following Health care services:
A qualified Personal Care Assistant (PCA) works with individuals providing human assistance and support to persons with disabilities including seniors living in their own home, with family or independently in the community. Our staff is trained to care for the elderly and others with special health care needs. Individual needs vary from person to person according to the individual risk assessment or care plan. A qualified professional (A Registered Nurse) develops this plan with the assistance of the client, responsible party and other team members to ensure that the individual’s care needs are met.