1710 Douglas Dr. N., Suite 230, Golden Valley, MN 55422
Phone: 763–544–1616; Fax: 763–545–8807
We are accepting applications for Qualified SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS (SP) and PERSONAL CARE ASSISTANTS (PCA) to work with participants within the metro areas. Individual SP/PCA interested is welcomed to come in and fill out an application or do so online. For further assistance, please call the main office at: 763–544–1616.
Community Vision Development Programs, LLC is also accepting referrals for services to adults or children living at home with their parents and in need of support to remain living with their families. We support individuals using Minnesota Health Care Programs including:
- Personal Care Assistance (PCA) Services (We do provide services for Private Pay)
- In-Home Family Support Services (We also accept In-Home services referrals for Private Pay)
- Funding for IN-HOME FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES is provided for through Medical Assistant and HCBS (Home and Community-Based Waiver and AC Waiver Services).
- Training is ABSOLUTELY free
- Have an email address where you can receive a copy of your training certificate
- You can always retake the test as many times as possible until you pass scoring at least 80%
- Upon completion of your training you MUST email mail@cvdpllc.com or fax (763-545-8807) Community Vision Development Programs, LLC a copy of your certificate to update your personnel file.
- Also PRINT and KEEP a copy for your records
- Register to complete the training by clicking on the link below:
- http://registrations.dhs.state.mn.us/videoConf/Default.aspx?BusinessUnitID=16